A National Recreation Area (NRA) is a designation given by Congress to land and water with significant outdoor recreation potential, while a National Park (NP) is a scenic or historically important area of countryside protected by the federal government for the enjoyment of the general public or the preservation of wildlife. Individual NRA’s are comprised of a mixture of both privately and publicly held lands.

National Recreation Area’s are highly regarded and enjoy an enhanced stature among recreational designations. They are chosen because of unique recreational potential and are recognized and valued by tourists from around the world. Parks designated as NRAs are an especially good fit for Texas because they allow for significant local participation and control.

There are 18 National Recreation Area’s in the US , including Lake Meredith and Amistad Natural Recreation Areas in Texas. Most emphasize water-based recreation. They range in size, contiguity, land ownership structure, governing institutions and functional purposes. The NPS provides a coordinating presence, but may own little of the managed lands.

In order for the Lone Star Coastal to become a designated Recreation Area, a member of the Texas Congressional delegation must introduce a bill, Congress must pass it, and the President must sign it into law. Proposed legislation to designate the Lone Star Coastal National Recreation Area has been drafted by Lone Star Coastal an plans are in place to introduce the legislation.

The purpose of Lone Star Coastal is to enhance the stature of the Upper Texas Gulf Coast among the universe of recreational designations, in order to effectively attract outdoor recreation enthusiasts, complement existing traditional tourism markets and build viable industries for the communities on the highly dynamic Southern coastline.

Lone Star Coastal is a voluntary public/ private partnership to preserve the unique heritage and coastal landscapes of the upper Texas coast, improve access to the outdoors and strengthen rural economies by promoting nature and heritage-based tourism across the five-county region of Jefferson, Galveston, Brazoria, Chambers and Matagorda.

NRA’s are collaboratively managed lands located around reservoirs and water bodies that offer visitors a chance to experience outdoor recreation – from swimming and kayaking to fishing and mountain biking. NRA’s also often include important natural and cultural features worthy of national recognition.

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